Parent FAQs
Welcome to Rogues Hollow Regiment and thank you for allowing us to explain what you and your child can expect from our program. This info is for parents with a child under 18, and it’s designed to provide you with insight into the organization and its functions. Hopefully, this info will put your mind at ease and instill confidence in you that allowing your child to participate is a good decision.
About Us
Rogues Hollow Regiment (RHR) is an all-age competitive drum & bugle corps from Doylestown, OH. Formed in May 2015 by alumni staff and students from the Chippewa HS Marching Band, the group is a 501c3 non-profit organization striving to provide its members with a high-quality, fun, and personally rewarding music education and life experience through the marching arts. RHR promotes a positive, family-oriented, and goal-driven environment to help push its members to achieve high levels of performance while also developing self-confidence, a good worth ethic, and good character. The group spends its summers rehearsing and traveling around Ohio and other nearby states on the weekends entertaining audiences in various settings including parades, stand-still concerts, marching band shows, and judged marching competitions. RHR Is a member in he DCI All-Age Circuit.
Our Mission
To engage, entertain, and bring joy to those around us with high-energy music and exciting visual performance while providing our dedicated members a fun, educational, and personally rewarding experience in the marching arts.
How does membership work? What about member fees?
Your child must attend a minimum of one audition camp and meet our standards before being offered a contract to become a member. When your child is offered a contract, you are required to read over it and sign it also. You and your child are making both a financial and time commitment that you are expected to honor. Schedules are put out far in advance and membership fee payments are spread out to make your child’s membership in the corps both affordable and family-friendly. More specific info about this can be found on our website under the FAQ section.
Are there options available to help my child earn credit toward their member fees?
YES. To keep fees as low as possible for our members, the corps provides several options throughout the season in the form of recruitment or fundraiser incentives where they can earn financial credit towards their membership fee. If your child is contracted and then “brings a friend” or recruits someone who then signs a contract, they will receive a $100 credit. The corps also has required and optional fundraisers where members earn pre-determined amounts of financial credit by meeting established fundraising goals. A member can earn credits totaling several hundred dollars or more if they’re committed to doing so.
What about family vacations, work, & school commitments?
RHR expects ALL members to attend and be on time for ALL functions throughout the entire season. The corps only tolerates absences for school-related activities, emergency/sickness/death in the family, or work shifts or vacations that cannot be scheduled around the corps schedule. From May thru mid-August, there is one weekend where there is no corps activity scheduled. RHR respectfully requests you make the effort to plan family vacations or travel during this break or before or after the season. If you cannot, please let us know as far in advance as possible so we can plan accordingly.
What can I expect when my child travels with the corps?
All information regarding upcoming travel is communicated to members via multiple channels starting at least a week out from the event. It includes info regarding where we’ll be, what to bring, what the daily schedule will be, what we’re eating, and when and where we’ll be leaving and returning.
Traveling with corps members can be an exciting experience and one that can help nurture self-confidence, independence, and friendship with others. While the corps does travel to select events via rented charter buses or rental vans, most travel is done by car pooling. If traveling by charter bus or van, your child will be under the supervision of the directors, staff, and volunteers also driving or riding. If car-pooling with others, part of this experience requires members to be responsible for themselves at times and to be on time, prepared, and ready to go for whatever is planned. If you prefer to drive your child or let them drive instead, that is fine as well.
On some trips, the corps may secure overnight housing for members at a local YMCA, community center, or school. These places give members a chance to shower, relax, and rest before the next day’s activities. On other trips, the corps will come home right after an event and members will be sleeping on a bus or in a car. All trips by bus include planned rest stops with bathroom facilities and food service available for members to take care of their personal needs.
When traveling, the corps provides meals and snacks. These include options for vegetarians & vegans as well. All meals are included in the cost of the membership fees. The only thing your child would need to provide money for is snacks, drinks, or souvenirs at rest stops or at local festivals that might be taking place at an event the corps is performing at.
Although RHR is an all-age corps, there is a zero tolerance policy in place regarding the use of alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or illegal drugs on corps time. If your underage child is caught with any of these items, consequences can be severe, up to and including expulsion from the corps. If an act is deemed to be egregious enough, the corps reserves the right to contact you to come to get your child regardless of location. RHR is very serious when it comes to enforcing these policies and we respectfully ask you to help the corps by talking with your child about this.
Why should I trust RHR with my child?
Your child will be part of an organization founded upon the one principle RHR believes to be the most important in this activity and life: FAMILY. Everything done is centered around that. RHR believes in building a family culture where everyone respects each other and works not only for themselves but for everyone around them as the corps works towards the goal of being the most entertaining and exciting performing group in the marching arts.
RHR is not a team. RHR is a FAMILY and can only be as good as the weakest link. There are no bench warmers in this activity as everyone participates and plays an important part. For the corps to be successful, everyone must work together and push each other to achieve challenging standards. HARD WORK=SUCCESS=FUN.
Your child will be surrounded by good people from all walks of life. The corps has HS students, college students, music teachers, engineers, computer programmers, business owners, and moms & dads.
All the staff is background checked as well as trained on how to identify all kinds of inappropriate behavior or actions. These may include bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual advances, and other things. Whether it be from other staff members, members, support staff, or volunteers, ALL things of this nature will not be tolerated and are REQUIRED to be reported as quickly as possible so they can be handled immediately. Any action that goes against the policies in the corps handbook or as stated otherwise can result in discipline, up to and including expulsion or termination without refund or monies owed. The corps also has a whistleblower’s link on its website where any form of inappropriate behavior or action can be reported safely and confidentially.
As for your child’s physical and mental health, the corps has a certified medical professional on staff that’s trained to deal with situations on the spot or provide us with info and guidance when needed. There is also a first aid kit and medical bag on hand at all times to handle most situations that might arise while participating in this activity. RHR also requires all staff, members, and volunteers to have a medical form on file for easy access to info and phone numbers in case of an emergency.
Are there local shows I can attend to see my child perform?
Although the corps does spend a decent amount of time traveling out-of-state every year, there are a variety of performances that take place in Northeast OH. Along with several sanctioned competitions, the corps has a “Friends and Family Show” at the beginning of the season. This show will give you a chance to enjoy a free corps performance so you can see what your child has been doing while with the corps. This would also be a great time to talk with staff members about your child or volunteers or other members or their parents and get to know and understand the RHR family, culture, and organization.
Can I become involved with the corps?
ABSOLUTELY!! The corps highly encourages parents to take an active role by volunteering. There’s ALWAYS a need for additional help whether it’s on a trip or at home practicing. There are many things that need to be done regularly including prepping, cooking, and serving meals, vehicle transportation, upkeep & maintenance, equipment loading & transportation, prop building, uniform maintenance, field set-up, rehearsal site upkeep, and so on. Seeing how the corps operates and talking with the staff and members can help parents build trust in the organization.
Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns?
Visit the Contact Page and submit a request and one of our admin staff will be in contact with you.